Student Prevention Leadership Teams (SPLT)
Student Prevention Leadership Teams (SPLT) are student-driven peer-to-peer prevention efforts based in high schools across Lenawee County. Interventions focus on reducing underage drinking, reducing prescription and over-the-counter medication misuse and abuse, and reducing marijuana use among Lenawee County Youth.
For the 2017-2018 school year, five high schools organized SPLT: Adrian, Clinton, Madison, Onsted, and Sand Creek.
Marijuana Use Prevention
25 Things to Do Instead of Drugs
As part of their Marijuana Prevention Campaign, SPLT members handed out candy that listed alternatives to drug use.
Marijuana Trivia
Another SPLT created a Marijuana Trivia booth with questions on the risks of marijuana use and prizes for participation.
Class Clash
One High School SPLT created a Family Feud-style game show on Kahoot. Teams representing each grade were asked questions on the risks of marijuana use and the winning team won a pizza party.
Door Decorating Contest
After SPLT educated their peers on the risks associated with Marijuana use, the High School classrooms held a door decorating contest.