Organizational By Laws

Click here to download a PDF of the LSAPC’s Organizational By-Laws


Article I. Name, Purpose, Status, and Vision/Mission Statement

  1. The name of this organization shall be the Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (LSAPC).
  2. The purpose of this organization is to bring effective prevention services to the community through comprehensive collaboration. This organization will coordinate, plan, develop and evaluate a community-wide strategy that addresses locally-determined risk and protective factors and achieve changes in substance abuse behaviors.
  3. The Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition operates as a non-profit organization.
  4. The vision of the Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is that “Lenawee County will be a Healthy Informed Proactive Community.”
  5. The mission of Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is that “The Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition will reduce substance use and abuse among youth through collaborative planning, program development, community development and public education.”


Article II. Membership

  1. Sector Representatives of the LSAPC will consist of a cross representation of twelve parties interested in the reduction of substance abuse in the Lenawee County Community including, but not limited to representatives from the following areas: (See attached list of current members).
    • Youth
    • Parent
    • Business
    • Media
    • Schools
    • Youth-Serving Organizations
    • Law Enforcement
    • Faith Based
    • Civic and Volunteer Groups
    • Healthcare
    • Government
    • Substance Abuse Treatment
  2. Sector Representation shall be granted to an agency or other professionals employed in or interested in alcohol, tobacco, or other drug abuse information, prevention or services. One or more persons may serve as representatives from each member organization, although only one representative from each organization shall be designated a voting member. Each member is granted one vote on any matter that comes before a meeting of the full membership of the LSAPC. Members may designate a substitute/proxy for any meeting and that substitute/proxy may vote in the members place. Members are expected to attend the LSAPC meetings.
  3. The fiduciary agency responsible for the contract management of the LSAPC may occupy a voting member position for regular LSAPC business. However, the voting member shall abstain from any vote that determines funding levels of the fiduciary agency.
  4. Sector representatives will complete a brief Coalition orientation with the Director within the first sixty days of membership.


Article III. Responsibilities of the Sector Representatives

  1. The Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition shall set policy for the Coalition. Duties include:
    1. Identifying need areas in the community using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Framework
    2. Creating committees/task forces to develop action plans for specific concerns.
    3. Serving on committees and task forces as appropriate.
    4. Reviewing and approving logic models and action plans.
    5. Ensuring coordination of planning and implementation.
    6. Monitoring and evaluating projects, outcomes, and data reports.
    7. Identifying gaps in current substance abuse prevention using SAMHSA’s Strategic Planning Framework and determining strategies to fill the identified needs.
    8. Approving contracts, LSAPC grant applications, and expenditures of $500 or more that are not listed in the approved operating budget.
    9. Reviewing and monitoring of grant expenditures.
    10. Utilizing prevention taxonomy strategies.
    11. Respecting the confidentiality of data.
    12. Dedicating sufficient time and energy to achieve the goals of the LSAPC.


Article IV. Leadership

  1. The Officers shall comprise the Executive Committee and shall include Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Liaison, and Member At-Large. As the fiduciary agent, Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority will also have a seat on the Executive Committee.
  2. The Coalition shall elect the Officers at the regularly scheduled meeting in September for their respective terms. The assumption of office by the elected Officers will occur at the first meeting of each fiscal year (October.) Officer appointments will be staggered as follows:
    1. September 2019: Chairperson, Treasurer and Member-at-large (2-year term).
    2. September 2020: Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Youth Representative (3-year term).

    Officers may be elected for not more than three consecutive 2-year terms or two 3-year terms. Any individual who is staff to the LSAPC cannot serve on the Executive Committee.

  3. The role of the Executive Committee is to promote the vision and mission of the LSAPC, provide direction and oversight, and annually evaluate the Coalition staff. In the instance of establishing an alternate representative, only one representative may have a vote.
    1. Duties of Officers
      1. Chairperson
        • With Coalition staff, develop agenda for LSAPC meetings
        • Facilitate meetings and encourage input from all attending members
        • Review and approve submitted reports
        • Sign official correspondence
        • Appoint members to the Standing Ad-Hoc Committees /Task Forces
        • Chair the Executive Committee meetings
        • Attend Executive Committee meetings
      2. Vice-Chairperson
        • Assume the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence
        • Take on the responsibilities of the Chair if the Chairperson resigns and fulfill that term in Office
        • Attend Executive Committee meetings
      3. Secretary
        • Attend Executive Committee meetings
      4. Treasurer
        • Attend Executive Committee meetings
        • Report budget expenditures to Coalition on a quarterly basis
      5. Youth Liaison
        • Attend Executive Committee Meetings
        • Facilitate Youth Committee meetings in collaboration with Youth Representative
        • Work to coordinate school-based and youth focused strategies
      6. Member At-Large
        • Attend Executive Committee Meetings
        • Attend ROSC Meetings
        • Work to coordinate recovery-based focused strategies
      7. Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority
        • Ensure fiduciary compliance with any grant funding and make compliance recommendations to the Executive Committee
        • Abstain from any vote that determines funding levels for the fiduciary agency


Article V. Meetings

  1. Regular meetings of the LSAPC are conducted as open meetings. Any member of the Coalition and or Lenawee County Community may attend.
  2. Regular meetings of the LSAPC shall be held no less than ten (10) times per year. The expectation is that LSAPC members agree to attend a minimum of eight (8) meetings per year. Members are asked to identify an alternate to be listed in the Coalition Involvement Agreement to attend meetings on their behalf should there be a conflict.
  3. Standing Committees and other Ad Hoc Committees or Task Forces shall meet on a schedule determined by the Committees, with notification to the Executive Committee.
  4. The Chair or designee of each Committee will report orally at each regular meeting.


Article VI. Quorum

  1. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (fifty-percent plus one) of active sector representatives. When a vote is taken, a majority vote of active members present or represented by proxy is required to approve the proposed action of LSAPC.


Article VII. Procedures

  1. Robert Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority of all matters of procedure not otherwise defined in the Bylaws.
  2. Policies, as developed and approved, shall require notification of all members 30 days prior to vote on change. Policy changes require a majority of LSAPC approval.


Article VIII. Voting

  1. Matters to be brought before the LSAPC at a monthly meeting will be listed on the agenda and distributed to members at least one week (seven days) prior to the meeting. All votes will require a quorum. All issues will be resolved through a simple majority of the members present.
  2. All sector representatives have one vote and have the authority to appoint a representative in their place to vote should they be unable to attend.
  3. If a vote is required before the next Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition meeting, the Chairperson may call a vote by email or telephone. Proxy and electronic voting shall be used for special circumstances only. All such matters require a simple majority vote of the active members.


Article IX. Fiscal Year

  1. The fiscal year for the Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition will be October 1 – September 30.


Article X. Standing Committees

  1. The Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition shall maintain the following Standing and Ad Hoc Committees:
    1. Executive Committee (Standing)
      1. The composition of the Executive Committee shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Liaison, Member At-Large and the representative of the fiduciary agency, Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority.
      2. The Executive Committee is empowered to exercise the authority of the LSAPC, including fiscal authority, when so authorized by the Coalition. In extenuating circumstances, the Executive Committee may take action on behalf of the Coalition, with report of such action at the next regularly scheduled LSAPC meeting.
      3. The Executive Committee is responsible for hiring, overseeing, and evaluating the Coalition staff, in partnership with the fiduciary agency.
      4. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for program evaluation and annual report to the community, in conjunction with Coalition staff.
      5. Approving the annual budget and any budgetary amendments.
    2. Youth Committee (Standing)The Youth Committee is responsible for developing and implementing project and activities in accordance with the approved logic model.
    3. Bylaws Committee (Ad Hoc)The Bylaws Committee shall meet annually to review the Bylaws and to develop proposed revisions. The revisions shall be presented in writing to the Lenawee County Substance Abuse Coalition with 30 days advance notice prior to any vote.
    4. Nominating Committee (Ad Hoc)
      1. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than three (3) members of the Coalition in the month of August every two years for the purpose of preparing a slate of candidates for the Officer/ Executive Committee positions. Annual elections will take place at the regular meeting in September.
      2. The Nominating Committee’s recommendations must be published and disseminated not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled election. Any nominations that are made from the floor prior to the election shall be entertained by the Chair.
    5. Ad-Hoc Committees/ Task ForceOther Committees will be established for time-limited projects, as needed.


Article XI. LSAPC Support and Involvement in New Projects/Services

  1. Requests for LSAPC letter of support
    1. Any organization may present a request for support for a specific project. Support requests must be in the following form:
      • The presenter requesting a specific letter of support will contact the LSAPC Chairperson or LSAPC staff no less than two weeks before the LSAPC meeting where the proposal is to be reviewed.
      • The presenter provides supporting documentation for the request, which will be distributed to all the LSAPC members for review prior to the meeting. The LSAPC votes on the letter for support and authorizes the Chairperson to sign the letter on behalf of the Coalition. LSAPC may support, reject, or request additional information.
      • The LSAPC may also assign the project to a standing or ad hoc committee.


Article XII: Amendments to the By-Laws

  1. The Bylaws may be suspended, rescinded, or amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the existing active membership of the LSAPC, provided written notice is given at least thirty (30) days in advance. In an emergency, the thirty-day advance may be waived by a two-thirds vote of the membership.
  2. The Bylaws shall be signed and dated to indicate the review and/or revision.
  3. These Bylaws are effective from the date of approval and continue thereafter unless otherwise suspended or rescinded.

LSAPC Organizational By-Laws last edited November 2017.