Woman’s Voice: This special program is brought to you by the Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Guests provide information about upcoming events, resources available, and the many ways to help reduce substance use and promote a healthy Lenawee.
Kathy Williams: This is Kathy Williams and with me on tonight’s program is Kellie Niese, she is the Program Manager for Pathways, and Dawn Finney, who is the new Community Outreach Coordinator for Pathways. Ladies, thank you for coming in and talking to us today.
Kellie Niese: Hi Kathy. It’s always nice to be in to talk to you.
Dawn Finney: Thanks for having us.
Kathy Williams: So, one of the things that we want to highlight today is the new Lenawee Recovery Network. Kellie, can you tell us a little bit about how that got started?
Kellie Niese: Yeah. So, out of the Lenawee County Prevention Coalition, we formed a work group specifically looking at what resources are in Lenawee County for substance use disorder or for people that suffer from addiction from substances and we realized there’s not really one place that people can go to get those resources or an easy place to go.
Kathy Williams: Right.
Kellie Niese: So we created a website called the Lenawee Recovery Network. You’ll probably hear us call it LRN to be easier.
Kathy Williams: Okay, right.
Kellie Niese: And it is really a website that has all of the resources in Lenawee County that someone might need that suffers from substance use disorders. So, housing help, transportation assistance, and connection to peers at Pathways Engagement Center. So it’s a really cool resource that we just developed here for our community.
Kathy Williams: So, Dawn, when they go to the Lenawee Recovery Network site, what kind of things are they gonna find there?
Dawn Finney: Well, we have our Peer Profiles. You get to read a story about each of our peers and see who you could possibly be talking to. The phone number to reach Pathways is there. You’re also going to be able to see the times for our SMART meetings. You’ll be able to see, you know, we give out Narcan freely to anybody who needs it, and there’s just a lot of information that you can, you can gain. There’s also some nice YouTube videos up there talking about harm reduction and just some education that I think that os really nice for people to see and understand.
Kathy Williams: You know, I love a site like that too, because not just the person going through the issues, but their family members and their support people can also go on there and maybe get some good ideas on how to help the individual.
Dawn Finney: Oh yeah. You can learn a lot from it.
Kathy Williams: Yeah. So, it’s Lenawee Recovery Network. On Facebook?
Kellie Niese: Well, it’s its own website so you can…
Kathy Williams: Oh, it is its own… Not, it is not Facebook then?
Kellie Niese: Well, I mean, I put a link on the Pathways Engagement Center page, a QR code, so people can head over to the Pathways page.
Kathy Williams: Okay.
Kellie Niese: And they can scan that QR code and get right on the website. Or you can just search “Lenawee Recovery Network” and hopefully it will come up in your search.
Kathy Williams: Is it a “ dot com” or a…?
Kellie Niese: Just Lenawee Recovery Network?
Kathy Williams: Oh, there you go. Alright. So, we make it easy!
Kellie Niese: We make it that easy, but mostly we’re handing out, Dawn’s job will be to go out into the community and offer a lot of resources to organizations and our community partners about the website. And in those resources will be QR codes that people can easily scan and get onto the website. It’s a really new project. So, the… one of the things that I also wanna highlight on there that’s near and dear to my heart, I think what’s great about the LRN is that you can go there and find hope and find out that you’re not alone, which is an important message. And so on this website is a memorial page or “In Memorium” page for families affected by substance use disorder to express the loss of their loved ones and how that’s impacted them and share that with our community. You’ll see my memorial in there to my sister, and I’m hoping that more people will share and we can send that message that this is a battle we can fight together and that you’re not alone.
Kathy Williams: So, Dawn, you would be interested then in going to speak in front of service organizations, classrooms, any kind of other groups in our community that would be interested in finding out more information then?
Dawn Finney: Oh, absolutely.
Kathy Williams: What would be the best way for them to contact you then?
Dawn Finney: You can actually get ahold of me through the Facebook page.
Kathy Williams: Okay.
Dawn Finney: Or through the LRN website. You can get a hold of me.
Kathy Williams: There you go. Well, thank you, ladies, so much for coming in and getting us a little bit more acquainted with the Lenawee Recovery Network. We hope you have great success with it.
Kellie Niese: Well, thank you so much for having us and at the end of the day, if anyone’s in crisis or needs help, they can also reach out to Lenawee Community Mental Health, anytime 24 hours a day: (517) 263-8905
Kathy Williams: Thanks, Kelly.
Woman’s Voice: The Lenawee Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition supported by funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration. Thank you for listening. New messages air on the second and fourth Monday each month at 6:15 PM. You can listen to this program as a podcast under the “on air audio” tab on WLEN.com and get more information at DrugPreventionLenawee.com.